          歐巴馬的情報頭子支持台灣現狀與希望台灣武裝起來 ■Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner(2009.02.06)雲程譯 【Comment】 A single lawsuit impacts the foreign policy of the US toward East Asia, especially Taiwan and China. It is a brand new WOW situation. Since it is a WOW, the parties involve should consider it from the ground zero. Those who are old fashioned may get hurt and pay heavy cost in the future. 新聞的重點是:對台灣與中國,美國持續「雙重防堵」(dual restraint)與「雙重保證」(dual assurance)政策;但這樣保守的報告,被一個司法訴訟案給打亂棋局。反過來說,台灣(包括香港等)媒體卻對「老鼠屎」這用語有興趣~,這是「漂亮、不漂亮」的流風吧。可悲的文化~此事全新且還有變數,各方都要重零想起。若誰以為可以用?酒店兼職悎M面對新局勢,可能要付出慘痛代價。 歐巴馬的情報頭子支持台灣現狀與希望台灣武裝起來 ■Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner(2009.02.06)雲程譯 歐巴馬總統的新任國家情報首長Dennis C. Blair,是一位前美國海軍上將。Blair對台灣有強烈主張,但卻不透露細節。在其審查程序中,Blair被問到在2000年時說台灣是中美關係的老鼠屎(turd in the punchbowl)。Blair想取悅蒙大拿州共和黨參議員Christopher Bond,說他是在提到台灣官方的行為,並非指這個島嶼啦。當被問到他對於「台灣問題」的觀點時,Blair立即接話說他支持美國的政策。Blair必須離開年薪7萬5000美元的「國家亞洲研究局」(the National Bureau of Asian Research)這智庫,以便擔任歐巴馬的情報頭子。Blair絕?酒店工作儱|帶著「特別圓桌會議」剛完成的報告上任。在這報告中,專家建議「新總統應基於台灣所需的軍售來忠實履行〈台灣關係法〉」。 上週,雷神公司(Raytheon Corporation)宣佈出售價值1億5400萬美元的愛國者飛彈給台灣。歐巴馬內定的副國防部長William J. Lynn在前不久還是雷神公司的首席說客。Lynn的任命程序在共和黨愛和華州參議員Charles Grassley調查其與雷神公司的關係時暫時擱置。歐巴馬總統已經因為Lynn而提出為期兩年冷卻期的說客禁令。巧妙躲過債券疑雲的Blair,可能參議員問到「獨立任務編組報告」(Report of an Independent Task Force)〈美中關係:正面的議程與負責的路線〉(U.S.-China Relations: An Affirmative Agenda, A Responsible Course)。Blair是「外交協會」所贊助的「任務編組」的共同負責 新成屋人之一,這也顯示其將如何建議對歐巴馬。 「自從尼克森訪問中國以來,台灣就是華盛頓與北京安全關係的主要議題。任務編組建議,美國…應減少台灣問題對美中關係的負面影響。Blair的報告以斜體字強調保持台灣目前未解決的國家地位之現狀。「『雙重防堵』(dual restraint)與『雙重保證』(dual assurance)政策應該持續,即美國向中國保證不尋求台灣與大陸永遠分離,與美國向台灣保證不會施壓以做最終解決的同時,嚇阻中國的侵略與反對台灣走向獨立。」具體的建議包括「持續向台灣軍售,包括飛彈防禦系統,以增強其抵禦中國攻擊和中國的暴力相向。」另外,Blair的研究建議「美國應向台灣政府清楚表明,華盛頓不支持台灣獨立,若台灣挑釁而引起危機時,台灣也不應依賴美國的軍事干預。」美中不足的是,Blair的「維持現狀」政策被一個哥倫比亞特 襯衫區美國上訴法院的司法訴訟案(Roger C.S. Lin, et al vs. United States)所擱置。控方主張法院應判決:基於1952年結束二次大戰對日戰爭的〈舊金山和約〉,美國應對台灣有管轄權(control)。日本割讓對台灣(當時叫做福爾摩沙)的管轄權給美國。美國因而在1949年共產革命後,准許中華民國的國民政府在當地重新開張,而作為冷戰中的一個流亡政府。但是,美國從未割讓這個島嶼給任何人,從而形成了目前的「台灣問題」。 相關新聞: 老鼠屎形容台灣 美情報總監認用 ■自由(2009.01.31)美國家情報總監:沒稱呼台灣是老鼠屎 ■Taiwan News(2009.01.31) Obama's spy chief Dennis Blair supports 'status quo' for Taiwan and wants arms build-up on island ■Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner(2009.02.06) President 景觀設計Obama's new National Intelligence director is Dennis C. Blair, a retired U.S. Navy admiral. Blair has strong opinions about Taiwan but keeps to the songbook when pressed for details. During his confirmation process, Blair was asked about his 2000 remark involving Taiwan and a "turd in the punchbowl of U.S./China relations." Blair managed to satisfy Senator Christopher Bond (R-MO) by explaining he was talking about the actions of a Taiwanese official and not the island as a whole. When pressed for what his views are on the 'Taiwan question' Blair is quick to mouth that he supports U.S. policy.Blair had to step away from a $75,000 paycheck from the National Bureau of Asian Research, a think-tank, to take th 建築設計e job as Obama's spy chief. Blair will no doubt be bringing with him the think-tank's newly minted 'special roundtable' report. One of the report's experts recommended, "The new President should faithfully implement the Taiwan Relations Act by deciding on arms sales based on Taiwan's needs."Last week Raytheon Corporation announced a $154 million contract with Taiwan for Patriot missiles. Obama's pick for deputy Secretary of Defense is William J. Lynn, recently Raytheon's top lobbyist. Lynn's appointment is on hold while Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) explores Lynn's relationship with Raytheon. President Obama has waived a two-year cooling-off period banning lobbyists for Lynn.Blair, who dodged Bond 小額信貸9;s question, might have referred the senator to the 'Report of an Independent Task Force' U.S.-China Relations: An Affirmative Agenda, A Responsible Course. Blair co-chaired the Task Force sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations and its recommendations signal what Blair is likely to advise Obama."Since Nixon's trip to China, Taiwan has dominated security relations between Washington and Beijing. The Task Force recommends that the United States…minimize the corrosive influence of the Taiwan question on U.S.-China relations."In italics, Blair's report highlighted preservation of Taiwan's status quo of unresolved national status. "The policies of 'dual restraint' and 'dual assurance' should continue, deterring Chinese aggre 買屋ssion and opposing Taiwan's steps toward independence while at the same time assuring China that the United States does not seek to perpetuate Taiwan's separation from the mainland and assuring Taiwan that the United States does not seek to pressure it into negotiating a final resolution."Specific recommendations include, "Continuing to sell arms (including missile defense systems) to Taiwan designed to enhance its ability to deter a Chinese attack and resist Chinese coercion."Further, Blair's study recommended the "United States should make clear to Taiwan's government that Washington does not support Taiwan independence and that Taiwan cannot count on U.S. military intervention if it provokes a crisis." One fly in the ointment for Blair's 'status quo& ARMANI#39; policy is a pending lawsuit in the District of Columbia U.S. Court of Appeals, Roger C.S. Lin, et al vs. United States that seeks judicial declaration of U.S. control of Taiwan under terms of the 1952 San Francisco Peace Treaty that ended World War II with Japan.Japan ceded control of the island, then called Formosa, to the United States. The U.S. in turn allowed the nationalist Republic of China to set up shop on the island as a 'Cold War' government-in-exile following the 1949 Communist revolution. However, the United States has never ceded the island to anyone thus creating the current 'Taiwan question'. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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